Thursday, April 8, 2010

Ellen DeGeneres among Celebs Receiving PCRM's Voice of Compassion Award

This Saturday, Alicia Silverstone and Marilu Henner will receive the inaugural Voice of Compassion Award at PCRM’s 25th Anniversary Art of Compassion gala. The award honors those who, by word and example, have communicated compassion, caring, and the highest ethical principles. The Voice of Compassion Award was also presented this week to Ellen DeGeneres on the set of The Ellen DeGeneres Show and to Portia de Rossi.

Kind  Diet“Alicia Silverstone and Marilu Henner have had a tremendous impact in spreading the message about health issues related to diet and nutrition,” said Neal Barnard, M.D., PCRM’s founder and president. “They have played a particularly significant role in shining a spotlight on the powerful health benefits of a vegan diet.”

Actor, activist, and author Alicia Silverstone recently published her first book, The Kind Diet, now a New York Times best-seller. She exemplifies the benefits of adopting a plant-based diet, including natural weight loss, clear skin, and tremendous energy. Alicia works tirelessly to support PCRM and numerous animal-related charities.

Marilu Henner’s entire life testifies to the power of her plant-based diet. The knowledge and discipline this actor, author, and full-time mom has gathered to maintain her demanding schedule is discussed in her books, including Marilu Henner's Total Health Makeover. She is working with PCRM to persuade Congress to reform the Child Nutrition Act to offer more healthful school lunches.

Host of the Emmy-winning The Ellen DeGeneres Show and judge on American Idol, Ellen has used her humorous and compassionate voice to raise awareness of health issues and environmental and animal welfare concerns. Portia, who shares those values, stars in ABC’s Better Off Ted and has appeared in Nip/Tuck, Arrested Development, and Ally McBeal.

PCRM’s gala brings attention to doctors and laypersons working together for compassionate and effective medical practice, research, and health promotion. The evening will be hosted by Kathy and Tom Freston, along with honorary committee co-chairs Cindy Landon, Richard Donner and Lauren Shuler-Donner, Maria and Wolfgang Petersen, and steering committee chair James Costa.

To purchase tickets to the gala and learn more about other celebrity members of the honorary committee, visit

Monday, December 21, 2009

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Mad Cow Sacred Cow - Trailer

Mad Cow Sacred Cow: a farm crisis, a food crisis and the bizarre journey of a beef-eating Hindu
Terrified of his food, filmmaker Anand Ramayya (Cosmic Current) embarks on a journey from his in-laws family farm in Canada all the way back to India, land of the Sacred Cow. His journey reveals shocking connections between the Mad Cow crisis, Farm crisis and Global Food crisis.
Weaving interviews from internationally reknowned speakers such as Dr. Vandana Shiva, Maneka Gandhi, Dr. Murray Waldman, Nettie Wiebe and Swami Agnivesh with stunning visuals of a personal journey that crosses continents, the story of Mad Cow Sacred Cow takes us from the filmmakers own happy days of indiscriminate beef consumption to the frightening realities created by globalization.

NEEM - A Tree For Solving Global Problems

Everyone Can Save The Planet


Mother Nature Needs Us - Environmental Song w/lyrics

Greenpeace raises cry for global warming

Shaping Environmental Change in China

Girl's Speech @ UN Conference on Environment and Development

Archbishop - care for environment teaches us about God

December 31st 2007: Canterbury: In his annual televised New Year Message the Archbishop of Canterbury, Dr Rowan Williams reflects on how a 'disposable' attitude to living can affect other areas of life and that 'God does not do waste'. Filmed in Canterbury Cathedral and at a nearby recycling centre.

HOME - The environment

Environmental Sustainability

Michael Jackson - Earth Song - World Environment Day

Environmental Tips - How to Go Green

Oil Crisis Solutions - Final Countdown to a Global Crisis & It's Solutions

The Problem

"That is the way of material civilization, too much depending on machine. At any time the whole thing may collapse and therefore we may not be self complacent depending so much on artificial life. The modern life of civilization depends wholly on electricity and petrol and both of them are artificial for man."
-Srila Prabhupada

The Solution

Root of petroleum crisis, or all other man-made crises for that matter, lies in polluted consciousnes. Mind is the place of first creation. All crises in this world, including that of resource and environment are the direct outcome of our polluted desires or contaminated consciousness.
-Dr Sahadeva Dasa

Read The Book


get Seed in HD on

This short movie is about environment : il tells the importance of environment through their life.

GOOD Magazine – Vampire Energy

Vandana Shiva - Seeds - La Semilla

Supreme Master Ching Hai on the Environment: Vegetarianism is the Solution to Save the World, London Conference

Pig Farm Investigation: A Video You Must See

Animal Equality undercover investigation from Igualdad Animal on Vimeo.

Meatrix I

The Meatrix ( spoofs The Matrix films and highlights the problems with factory farming. Instead of Keanu Reeves, The Meatrix stars a young pig, Leo, who lives on a pleasant family farm... he thinks. Leo is approached by a trenchcoat-clad cow, Moopheus, and joins him on a journey to learn more about what goes on behind closed barn doors at factory farms.

Grocery Store Wars - Not long ago in a supermarket not so far away.

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

The Story of Stuff

Dharma Science Gallery

Click to view full size imageClick to view full size image

The Future of Food - Introduction

Diet For a New America

The birth of the Spoon Revolution

Sam Suds and the Case of PVC: The Poison Plastic.

The Meatrix II ½

Interview Masaru Emoto

Oidatherapy - Perennial Phsicology

Planting the Seeds for Change - Vandana Shiva

Vandana Shiva is one of the world's most powerful voices for global environmental justice and cultural and ecological diversity. She is the founding director of the Research Foundation for Science, Technology and Ecology in New Delhi. Vandana Shiva is also the author of numerous books including Stolen Harvest: The Hijacking of the Global Food Supply. Series: "Walter H. Capps Center Series"

Scientists say nerves use sound, not electricity

The common view that nerves transmit impulses through electricity is wrong and they really transmit sound, according to a team of Danish scientists.

The Copenhagen University researchers argue that biology and medical textbooks that say nerves relay electrical impulses from the brain to the rest of the body are incorrect.

"For us as physicists, this cannot be the explanation," said Thomas Heimburg, an associate professor at the university's Niels Bohr Institute. "The physical laws of thermodynamics tell us that electrical impulses must produce heat as they travel along the nerve, but experiments find that no such heat is produced."

Heimburg, an expert in biophysics who received his PhD from the Max Planck Institute in Goettingen, Germany — where biologists and physicists often work together in a rare arrangement — developed the theory with Copenhagen University's Andrew Jackson, an expert in theoretical physics.

According to the traditional explanation of molecular biology, an electrical pulse is sent from one end of the nerve to the other with the help of electrically charged salts that pass through ion channels and a membrane that sheathes the nerves. That membrane is made of lipids and proteins.

School Lunch Revolution

KFC's Grilled Chicken Contains PhIP, a Cancer-Causing Chemical

Most people know that fried chicken is not a healthy food, but how many realize that consuming grilled chicken can increase the risk of cancer? Tests of KFC’s new Kentucky Grilled Chicken have revealed substantial amounts of a carcinogenic chemical in all samples tested.

KFC's grilled chicken items were found to contain PhIP, one of a group of carcinogens called heterocyclic amines (HCAs), according to independent laboratory tests commissioned by the Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine, which is asking KFC to withdraw the product from sale.

PhIP and other HCAs are formed from the creatinine, amino acids, and sugar found in muscle tissue, and are produced by long cooking times and hot temperatures. As mutagens, HCAs can bind directly to DNA and cause mutations—the first step in cancer development.

PCRM - Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine

What is PCRM?
Doctors and laypersons working together for compassionate and effective medical practice, research, and health promotion.

Founded in 1985, the Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine (PCRM) is a nonprofit organization that promotes preventive medicine, conducts clinical research, and encourages higher standards for ethics and effectiveness in research.

Vandana Shiva in Conversation

Scandal of scientists who take money for papers ghostwritten by drug companies

Doctors named as authors may not have seen raw data

Scientists are accepting large sums of money from drug companies to put their names to articles endorsing new medicines that they have not written - a growing practice that some fear is putting scientific integrity in jeopardy.

Ghostwriting has become widespread in such areas of medicine as cardiology and psychiatry, where drugs play a major role in treatment. Senior doctors, inevitably very busy, have become willing to "author" papers written for them by ghostwriters paid by drug companies.

Originally, ghostwriting was confined to medical journal supplements sponsored by the industry, but it can now be found in all the major journals in relevant fields. In some cases, it is alleged, the scientists named as authors will not have seen the raw data they are writing about - just tables compiled by company employees.

Is There Consciousness Within Science? - An Interview with Ravi Gomatam by Thomas Beaudry

It seems that in attempting to bring consciousness into science, rather than keep the two separate, you are attempting to bring value into a somewhat valueless technological world view.

I certainly hope so. Today science is totaly without a framework for values. Any highschool boy or girl knows how to calculate the force with which a stone he or she throws will hit someone in the face, but nothing in those equations they use will tell them whether or not to throw it. Given the fact that science is perturbing our universe in greater and greater proportions, it is essential that we address the absence of values within science. We must note that the changes wrought by science and technology to our environment are always irreversible. That is to say we cannot go on polluting our environment for years and then one day suddenly say "Oops, that was a mistake, let's take it back." It is easy to destroy something, but much more difficult to put it back together again.

To solve the problem of values we must know what is valuable. Consciousness is the most valuable commodity. Without consciousness our own bodies as dear as they are to us, are suddenly without value. This of course is a philosophical argument, but nonetheless an pragmatic one. If we accept it, then, to bring values into science,we need to connect science with what is valuable—consciousness.

Is Science Selling Out? - Interview With Maurice H. Wilkins

How would you define science and religion, and how do you think they can be reconciled to produce a synthesis? Many scientists would say that science and religion are two quite disparate things.

Prof. Wilkins: I have been exploring ways to emphasize certain similarities between religion and science. As I see it, the main point is that the open-minded inquiry of the scientist is not something peculiar to science itself, but is a characteristic of the good way of living for human beings in general. It is equivalent to the religious concept of love, where you are always giving attention to new developments and new possibilities. To say that the essence of science is that you are always inquiring and open-minded is to say that you are in fact living a virtuous life.This, of course, refers to how the scientist ideally works; in practice, you find that it is very different.

Most science is done by established procedures in a more or less routine manner. In my opinion, the degree of open-mindedness in most scientific work is really very little. It is a very limited open-mindedness within established ideas or in a paradigm. So in the work of most scientists today, the equivalent of religious love or the truly noble, in the sense of the morally admirable, does not exist very much. But there is a potential there which is very important. We should remember too that science and religion have in common the aim of seeking and achieving unity.

Most scientists today are being led increasingly away from the fundamental aim of science to achieve unity into rather limited ways of thinking without much open-mindedness and are doing things merely to meet limited material needs. In particular, about half the world's scientists and engineers are now engaged in war programs. This shocking fact does not receive enough attention. Can one say that science is a noble activity if about half of the scintists in the world are working on ways to destroy other human beings? Of course, there are all kinds of arguments about how "This is not for destruction but to preserve peace, to give maximum national security, to preserve freedom," and so on. But ultimately, stockpiling weapons is not the way to achieve such ends. We have to find other ways.

Evidence for Intelligent Design from Biochemistry

How do we see? In the 19th century the anatomy of the eye was known in great detail, and its sophisticated features astounded everyone who was familiar with them. Scientists of the time correctly observed that if a person were so unfortunate as to be missing one of the eye's many integrated features, such as the lens, or iris, or ocular muscles, the inevitable result would be a severe loss of vision or outright blindness. So it was concluded that the eye could only function if it were nearly intact.

Charles Darwin knew about the eye too. In the Origin of Species, Darwin dealt with many objections to his theory of evolution by natural selection. He discussed the problem of the eye in a section of the book appropriately entitled "Organs of extreme perfection and complication." Somehow, for evolution to be believable, Darwin had to convince the public that complex organs could be formed gradually, in a step-by-step process.

Scientific Verification of Vedic Knowledge

Physics to Metaphysics - A Vedic Paradigm

For India's great realizers, the primary evidence in support of their theses is revealed scripture (sastra), such as the Vedanta-sutras. This evidence is considered to originate beyond the limits of human reasoning. Yet, especially for Westerners, as an introduction to the virtues of scriptural evidence, it may be prudent to first discuss the concept of a transcendental personal Godhead in the context of modern science and quantum mechanics in particular. Following the transition from Newtonian classical physics to quantum mechanics, several scientists have explored the possibility of a connection between physics and transcendence.

Biomimetics Technology Imitates Nature - Harun Yahya

The Miracle in the Atom English Harun Yahya

Sustainable Agriculture - What Ants Knew 50 Million Years Before We Did

One of the most important developments in human civilization was the practice of sustainable agriculture, but we were not the first - ants have been doing it for over 50 million years. Just as farming helped humans become a dominant species, it has also helped leaf-cutter ants become dominant herbivores, and one of the most successful social insects in nature. According to an article in the November issue of Microbiology Today, leaf-cutter ants have developed a system to try and keep their gardens pest-free; an impressive feat which has evaded even human agriculturalists.

Einstein & Faith

A combination of awe and rebellion helped shape not only Einstein's science, but also his spiritual journey, ultimately determining the nature of his faith

For some people, miracles serve as evidence of God's existence. For Einstein it was the absence of miracles that reflected divine providence. The fact that the world was comprehensible, that it followed laws, was worthy of awe.,9171,1607298,00.html

Intelligent Design - Unlocking The Mysteries Of Life

Mahatma Gandhi : Spiritual Message

Vandana Shiva Interview - Terra Madre 2008

La semilla "Pachamama Crew feat Vandana Shiva"

Vandana Shiva talks about the patent of seeds by Monsanto

Vegetarians 'avoid more cancers'

Vegetarians are generally less likely than meat eaters to develop cancer but this does not apply to all forms of the disease, a major study has found.

The study involving 60,000 people found those who followed a vegetarian diet developed notably fewer cancers of the blood, bladder and stomach.

But the apparently protective effect of vegetarian did not seem to stretch to bowel cancer, a major killer.

The study is published in the British Journal of Cancer.

Researchers from universities in the UK and New Zealand followed 61,566 British men and women. They included meat-eaters, those who ate fish but not meat, and those who ate neither meat nor fish.